Friday, March 20, 2009


The dates were set for both engagement and wedding. Being one month away from each other was an additional stress, besides the whole wedding hype and tension. It goes without saying that Hindu weddings are one of the most elaborated weddings and it did not help much with the fact that it was going to be the first wedding on both sides. hhhhmmmm!!! :(

After loads of thinking, Anand and I decided that we are not going to go through the whole planning all by ourselves. The engagement is not so bad as it is only a day affair and is a simpler event. This function is normally held by the girl's party. And since it was to be held in my hometown, :- a smaller town in which there was no hurry to get bookings done early, we concerntrated on the plannings for the weddings first.

The date for the wedding had to be set one year ahead as the eligible wedding halls in Klang (where Anand is from) are always in great demand.

We decided for the engagement date to be on the 03.07.04 and our BIG DAY to be held on the 22.08.04. No significant reasons whatsoever. It was decided after discussing with the priest (another Indian custom).

And so the research for eligible hall and wedding planner begins.......................................